Name: Michael Knight
Nickname: Michael
Species: Angel
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 6'5"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Michael grew-up in heaven with no parents. Whether something had happened to his or if he was one of the angels God had willed into decision was a matter of debate. The only thing he knew was he wasn't the only angel whose origins were up for debate in this manner. He became extremely close to two other angels---Lucifel and Gabriel--whom others were uncertain if they had been born or created. The three of them were inseparable, and did everything together. They thought that it was always going to be this way, but they soon discovered that nothing last forever. It happened when God created the race of man. This within itself wasn't alarming. God was always creating things, and bringing them before his angels to be admired.
However, what made this creation different was the fact God commanded they loved and revere his newest creation just as they did him. This confused the angels. They didn't understand what was so special about this newest creation that they be held in the same esteem as God, but eventually they accepted the order. Yet, doubt could be seen with a few of them when they departed that day. One of them being Lucifel. Michael thought his friend needed more time to process what he had been told, but after a few days he would come to term with what he had been told. A couple of weeks would pass before Michael learned how Lucifel came to term with everything. It was not in the manner that he had hoped.
Lucifel approached Gabriel and Michael, asking them to start a rebellion he was starting. He claimed that God was no longer worthy of ruling heaven, and they should overthrow him. This outraged Michael. This was blasphemy. He knew God had a reason for everything. He might not always understand those reason, but his lack of comprehension didn't diminish God in anyway. He saw his friend walking down a dangerous path. It was one he knew he couldn't follow, and one he believe if his friend continued down would be the end of everything--including more importantly his friend. It was for this reason he vowed to destroy his friend if he continued down this path.
However, what made this creation different was the fact God commanded they loved and revere his newest creation just as they did him. This confused the angels. They didn't understand what was so special about this newest creation that they be held in the same esteem as God, but eventually they accepted the order. Yet, doubt could be seen with a few of them when they departed that day. One of them being Lucifel. Michael thought his friend needed more time to process what he had been told, but after a few days he would come to term with what he had been told. A couple of weeks would pass before Michael learned how Lucifel came to term with everything. It was not in the manner that he had hoped.
Lucifel approached Gabriel and Michael, asking them to start a rebellion he was starting. He claimed that God was no longer worthy of ruling heaven, and they should overthrow him. This outraged Michael. This was blasphemy. He knew God had a reason for everything. He might not always understand those reason, but his lack of comprehension didn't diminish God in anyway. He saw his friend walking down a dangerous path. It was one he knew he couldn't follow, and one he believe if his friend continued down would be the end of everything--including more importantly his friend. It was for this reason he vowed to destroy his friend if he continued down this path.
The only question that remained was if Gabriel was going to join him, and it soon became clear that he wasn't. Gabriel told Lucifel that he was walking down a path he couldn't follow, and Michael felt relieved. He had no desire to kill one of his friends let alone both of them. Lucifel tried to convince them to join him, but it was all in vain. A fact that clearly upset Lucifel. The three friends debated that day, and would not see each other again until they faced each other upon the battle field. Lucifel had gathered many followers, and changed his name to Lucifer. Michael stood at the head of the army that opposed him, but he had underestimated his friend's forces because they decimated his forces.
He came face to face with his friend. Lucifel once again tried to convince Michael to join him. He gestured to the carnage around them and told him that the fact his army had overcame Michael's in such an overwhelming manner only proved that he had made the right decision. Michael told him that it proved no such thing. He might have won the battle, but he would not win the war. He would not join him. This angered his friend and the two of them fought. It was not clear how long the two of them engaged in combat, but Lucfiel gained the upper hand. He seized Michael by the throat, and put his sword against Michael's chest. He asked Michael once again to join him, and just like the other time Michael refused.
He came face to face with his friend. Lucifel once again tried to convince Michael to join him. He gestured to the carnage around them and told him that the fact his army had overcame Michael's in such an overwhelming manner only proved that he had made the right decision. Michael told him that it proved no such thing. He might have won the battle, but he would not win the war. He would not join him. This angered his friend and the two of them fought. It was not clear how long the two of them engaged in combat, but Lucfiel gained the upper hand. He seized Michael by the throat, and put his sword against Michael's chest. He asked Michael once again to join him, and just like the other time Michael refused.
Michael was more aware of his other friend--Gabriel--rushing towards them yelling no than being stabbed than nothing. He didn't feel himself falling forward or have the thought that this was the end. He didn't see Lucifel kick Gabriel from heaven. Through, he would hear about it later. He laid there for some time before he was found by the angel that would become his wife. She was part of the crew that searched the battle for any survivors. They were very few of them. In fact, others whom came across Michael had thought he was dead. She couldn't explain why, but when she came upon him she knew he wasn't dead. She tried to convince the others of this fact, but they told her that was was mistaken. They told her to leave him and allow those whom dealt with the dead to handle him.
She knew they were wrong, but she also knew they would not aid her. She would have to nurse him back to health herself. She dragged him back to her cottage to do just that. The healing process was a long one, and even when he woke up he still had a long way to go before he was well enough to rejoin the battle. During that time he got to know his caretaker and the two of them fell in love. There was a part of him that wished things could stay this way forever---just the two of them--but he knew that it couldn't. He had to stop his friend from succeeding with his plan. Once he became well enough he decided to rejoin the war. He told his caretaker if he survived that he would come back to marry her.
Upon rejoining the war, Michael learned the state of the war. It appeared that Lucifel had the upper hand, and he was defeating Heaven's forces at every turn. Michael knew something had to be done to change this. The time he spent healing also gave him plenty of time to think. He knew they couldn't regard this rebellion as just a minor inconvenience. They had to treat it as the true threat it was. It gave him plenty of time to come up with plenty of strategies to do just this, and the fact his caretaker had been willing to keep him inform about everything that was going on helped a great deal. Michael was able to turn the war around, and help the forces of heaven to win the war. Lucifel and those whom had fought underneath his banner were banished from heaven.
Due to his success during the war, Michael was asked to maintain his position as head of Heaven's army. He agreed. True to his word, Michael returned to the angel that had nursed him back to health and the two of them were married. They eventually had six beautiful daughters with red hair like their mother. The years drifted by and life was good. Than one day Gabriel came to Michael asking for his help to heal a human by the name of Elisabeth whom he had came to care a great deal for. It was understandable why Gabriel had come to him. Michael was his friend more than that he was considered one of the greatest--if not the best---healer within heaven.
Due to his success during the war, Michael was asked to maintain his position as head of Heaven's army. He agreed. True to his word, Michael returned to the angel that had nursed him back to health and the two of them were married. They eventually had six beautiful daughters with red hair like their mother. The years drifted by and life was good. Than one day Gabriel came to Michael asking for his help to heal a human by the name of Elisabeth whom he had came to care a great deal for. It was understandable why Gabriel had come to him. Michael was his friend more than that he was considered one of the greatest--if not the best---healer within heaven.
Michael, however, could not help his friend. It was not his place to interfere with the will of God. If he wished for Michael to save the human he would tell him to do so. In fact, he was certain that God had wished for Elisabeth to die. This was not something Gabriel accepted. He accepted the fact that Michael could not or would not help her. He didn't hold this fact against Michael, but he continued to look for a way to save his human. Eventually Gabriel found a way to keep his human from dying. He gave her his blood, but it was a decision that those within heaven did not like. They claimed Gabriel needed to be punished. He had went against the will of God and more than that he had did something unnatural. A number of them wished to eradicated both Gabriel and Elisabeth from the very fibers of existence itself.
Michael talked them out of this decision by telling them that if they erased everyone whom went against the will of God that none nothing would exist. Still, Gabriel needed to punished. They decided to banish from heaven. Michael did not like seeing another of his friends fall from grace, but it was better than making it so he didn't exist. The fall caused Gabriel to lose his memories. It is unclear is this is what happens to all fallen angels or if those whom had banished him took his memories as part of his punishment. He went down to aid his friend, but a witch by the name of Katia beat him to Gabriel. She took him underneath her wing and provided him with a new name. As for the human, Gabriel's blood changed her. It made her into a vampire. Through, Michael isn't exactly certain how she differ from the other vampires.

Michael watched his friends from the shadows for awhile, but eventually he became curious about those whom they had grown close--especially the fact that both Gabriel and Michael came to care about the some of the same people without realizing they were. Well, Gabriel didn't realize it. Yet, even if they both had been aware they cared for the same person Michael would have still found himself curious. He wanted to know what it was about these people that had his friends affection. More than that he wished to get reacquainted with his friends. He missed them, and while he knew that things could never return to what they were that didn't mean it couldn't become something just as wonderful.
He decided to get to know those his friends had came to care about. He didn't expect to come to care about them, at least not in the manner he did. He is still trying to get to know some of them. He doesn't know what the future has in store for their relationship nor is he certain if he wants to see their relationship progress in the manner that it is. He has a wife whom he is very happy with. There are those that might claim he isn't as happily married as he likes to pretend, but he knows that isn't the case. It is just his idea of love is changing, and he is starting to wonder if a person is meant to be with just one person for their entire existence or if they have multiple people they hold romantic feelings towards.
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